Saturate is an underwater sonic artwork by Sara Retallick that will reimagine the lively communal site of Aquamoves Shepparton as a space for sensory exploration, ritual, and active listening.
At night, listeners will swim and float in amplified sound – bodies moving through a submerged sound installation to access the omnipresent, internalised and tactile qualities of listening underwater.
Saturate offers a distinct presentation mode that diverges from sonic installations using conventional speakers by employing water as the medium of sonic transmission. The unique hydroacoustic environment significantly affects how sound is diffused and perceived, with bone conduction hearing activating as sonic vibrations are transmitted via the skull and jaw bones into the inner ear.
Sara Retallick is a Naarm-based artist interested in multisensory listening and tactile sonic encounters. Her work involves composition, object-based installation, and multichannel sound system arrangements.
This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts investment and advisory body.