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Mat Spisbah

Mat Spisbah is an artist, musician and organiser using new media and the internet as mediums. Spisbah has an extensive portfolio of commissioned and developed performances, plus experience working with leading Australian and Asian cultural organisations.

In 2022, he led the development of “Lu Yang: DOKU – The Binary World” at notable venues like the Sydney Opera House, and directed “Lu Yang: Live Alone, Die Alone the Karma Cycle” at ACMI, which was the result of a 5 year long performance collaboration with Lu Yang. His collaboration with Nikki Lam on “Woke In Fright” at The Substation and the insightful “Data Relations Summer School” interview with Winnie Soon at ACCA in 2023 underline his commitment to exploring technology’s role in art and society. He is currently developing 2 web based artworks which offer alternative tools to big tech platforms. He is also the co-founder of digital arts organisation Exhibitionist and experimental new media studio pseudo.

Across these mediums his practice focuses on technological methodologies. By integrating artistic practices with alternate outlooks on technology, Spisbah’s projects traverse the overlapping terrain of his life, practice and output.